Web Design Trends for Online Stores in 2017-2018

      The web-design world develops constantly – one trends come, other leave, tendencies and technologies change. As purchases in the Internet become more popular, it is very important, that the web-sites of online shops worked well, provided possibility of comfort registration of order to the user, and also, that not insignificantly, looked well.
The really interesting trends of web-design, that, were set in 2017, it is possible not to doubt, will not lose actuality and next year. The question is about a minimalism, accent on юзабилити, understanding of necessity of high fast-acting at loading and aspiration to provide maximally quality experience of co-operation of user with a web-site on the wide spectrum of devices – from desktop computers to смартфонов and

      It is needed to mark that those things about that we will talk in this article are actual not only for online shops. They can be successfully used and for other types of web-sites for example corporate, портфолио, informative projects. In the world, that becomes more dependency upon technologies, a necessity to be distinguished on a background other becomes more actual. And first, that can be done for the achievement of this aim, – to improve the design of the web-site.

Attention on mobile commerce

      The segment of mobile commerce grows impressive rates, and many existent web-sites still are not adapted for the comfort viewing on some other devices, except the personal computers.
The use of adaptive design allows to scale quality experience of co-operating with an online shop on users, that call on him from smartphones, plane-tables and practically any gadgets such. In more detail about that, why this is important for business, you can read in our article the “Adaptive design of online shop as a necessity.”

Sell images, not only text

      Probably, you already heard such saying: “Better than one times to see, what one hundred times to hear”. It right for any web-sites on the whole, and online shops including. Remember, what social network differs in the most dynamic rates of height in the last two years? Prompt – Instagram.
Most visitors of web-sites differ in the very subzero attention focusing in the process of viewing of different web-sites. Use of quality photos of commodity and creation by sight of attractive content, that is distinguished and strikes the eyes, can become the key to success with in electronic commerce.

Clean white backgrounds

      Many designers prefer to use a clean white color as a background or different family crayon tones. It allows to pull out on the first plan maintenance and to avoid a mess. The got contrast does the buttons with appeals to the action brighter, and photos – “step” lively.
In addition, the white is a neutral color, and it is difficult to assume an error, choosing him. Regardless of you sell child’s toys or industrial equipment, it is possible to be on 100веренным in that white background perfectly will suit you.


      It is difficult to find the example of more hateful to the ordinary users thing, than different kind pop-ups. A bit strange to look after their return as an element of design of web-site in 2017. Nevertheless as an instrument of increase of conversion they proved the efficiency and actively used by marketing specialists on the web-sites of online shops.
And all business is in that, that it is needed to do so that they brought a certain benefit to the users, and then they will react on them positively. For example, to offer a coupon on a discount or participating in an action. And to appear they must not immediately, and only after set time of being of visitor on a web-site or then, when he scrolls a page to the bottom or closes an inset.

“Cards” are in arrangement of page

      First this format of serve of content became Pinterest known due to a social network. Such arrangement of blocks of content is in a design, for example catalogue of commodities, does viewing of page with plenty of information identically comfortable both for desktop computers and for mobile devices. In addition, a similar design considerably simpler to adapt under viewing on different permissions of screens.

Attention on typography

      An image and texts are important on a separateness, but their able combination can be yet more effective. For example, carefully thought out appeals to the action are able substantially to increase the index of conversion and compel a potential customer to push the cherished button to “Buy”.
Thus, типографика became one of elements of design, that especially notedly to view of foreign web-sites the developers of that much more variety of types is accessible to, what during work with a cyrillic alphabet.


      Perhaps, it is an even not trend, and one of going formed and confessed by an association near planning of web-sites. One of constituents of this conception is an abundance of free space, because it:

  • improves perception of original appearance of web-site from the side of man;
  • allows to place accents, attracting attention to CTA- to the elements;
  • gives an opportunity to the visitor concentrated and accelerates a decision-making.

In spite of the fact that content in a great deal influences on success of web-site, if him too much, it can affect negatively. Disorder kills conversion.

Ideal User Experience

      User experience, usability, user experience – naming is possible how pleasingly, but essence does not change from it. To create an ideal interface, a designer must understand expectations and necessities of user and guess his reaction on one or another element. The base understanding of psychology of man is needed for this purpose, good experience and ability it is correct to interpret data of analytic web-geometry.

     Large photos on a background

      Probably, already not once there were web-sites, the background of that is the large photo unfolded on all screen, you. It is a good method to attract attention by minimum efforts visitor, therefore not surprising, that many large online shops in the foreign segment of the Internet actively exploit this reception in a design.
Large photos of high quality are one of the tested methods to do your web-site more attractive, to lay hands on attention of visitors and to increase the volumes of sales. It looks cleanly, professionally and attractively. And users get sense of possessing a product yet to pushing button “buy”.

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